Carpet Installation & Replacement

When it comes to installing or replacing a carpet in your home, some people might think it’s a great way to save money by choosing a do-it-yourself installation. The truth of the matter is, while you’re in a position to install your own carpet, a novice will be faced with a Challenging Task. In most cases, paying a professional to do the installing of your carpet is easier because you will end up with lesss trouble, and ultimately a quality job.
Is it Time?
If your carpet tiles starts unraveling at the seams, is shedding or has experienced water damage, then it’s probably time to install a replacement. Carpet that has started to unravel and come loose is potentially both a hazard to safety and an eyesore. After a new installation, shedding or sprouting of fibers is normal, but if you have it for 5-10 years, it may also be a sign that it’s time to consider new carpets. Carpets damaged by water can stain permanently, grow mold and mildew and leave an unpleasant odour.
Expertise and Experience
Carpet installation requires the use of certain special tools: a knee kicker and a power stretcher. Professional installers will have access to these tools and the knowledge to make effective use of them, whilst an average household may not. Installers of carpets should be well versed in proper installation of carpet padding because when walked on, the carpet padding will provide extra cushion on the feet, help guard against matting the carpet fibers and provide some degree of protection against stain. There could be bumps in the padding if not installed correctly, reflecting on the carpet when it is laid on top. The installer should also be able to cut the fabric properly to account for heating and cooling register and be prepared to have baseboards removed. If you buy a carpet that needs pushed seams together, that’s an extra skill found in most professional installers.
Although carpet flooring is considered one of the most economical materials, it’s not an easy task to handle carpet installation & replacement. This is particularly true if you haven’t already done so. It’s hard enough for a homeowner to decide on the color schemes and carpeting textures that they want to display in their space, without having to worry about an installation on top of all those pressing concerns. Hiring a professional carpet installation team like Stellar Design to handle it for you means having access to a certain level of expertise fueled by experience and skill to get a Quality installation job done with Precision and Efficiency in no time!