Facts About The Eco-Friendly Carpet Tiles Manufacturing
Millennials and gen Z consumers are shaping an environmental movement that stretches beyond hashtags and turn into real action. The recent example is, young Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg that grabbed the headlines.
Young people nowadays are becoming more aware of how their choices and consumer habits affect the planet, an awareness they’re using to push brands to go sustainable or eco-friendly. Young generation are more likely to respond positively to an “eco-friendly” label, with 46% of 13-36-year-olds saying they’re more likely to buy a product with that description.
With this in mind, new practices that will improve the sustainability of carpet tiles manufacturing operations are becoming increasingly important. Below are some facts about the Stellar Design’s Eco-friendly carpet tiles manufacturing:
Reduction of source & waste materials
- Contact-less measurement of carpet dimension to reduce the consumption of source material.
- Separation of waste streams and selective treatment & reuse of waste materials.
- Reuse & reduction of packaging materials.
- Reduction of waste water draining by process optimization.
Reduction of energy consumption
- Recuperation of the pre-coating process of carpet tiles
- Isolation of the coating line
- Installation of an energy efficient natural gas kettle to replace a fuel oil kettle
- Installation of energy efficient air comporessors
- Installation of an energy efficient boiler
- Installation of energy efficient illumination in the production halls ad the warehouses