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The Benefits of Green Carpet Tiles / Recycled Carpet Tiles

The Benefits of Green Carpet Tiles / Recycled Carpet Tiles

Carpet Tiles Supplier and Installer Malaysia

Recycled carpet tiles are created by refining used vinyl and nylon carpets. In some brands, both the surface of the carpet and the backrest contain recycled material. Recycled carpet tiles have the major advantages of:

Better indoor air quality

Recycled carpet tiles are made using recycled materials that do not contain toxic and chemical as is the case with conventional carpeting.

Longevity of carpet tiles

Recycled carpet tiles / green carpet tiles are incredibly robust. Furthermore, their modularity helps homeowners to remove and replace individual tiles which can get damaged without having to replace the entire carpet.


Made from recycled materials, the tiles make use of discards that would have otherwise been landfilled and preserve the resources that would have been used to manufacture new carpeting. Besides, modularity of the carpet tiles results in less waste during the installation. And they can be recycled again at the end of their usable life.

The care and maintenance of recycled carpet tiles are close to those for conventional carpets: clean several times a week to maintain a fresh look and remove stains as soon as possible. An additional feature of recycled carpet tiles is that a dirty tile can be removed, rinsed, air-dried and restored to its position on the floor, because they are flexible and reusable. It allows for more thorough removal of stain compare to the traditional carpet flooring.

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