Stellar Design Carpet Tiles Color Concept
Colors is everywhere. The color inspires and captivates an integral part of our everyday lives. This allows for imagination and helps to ease self-expression. It takes for simplicity and makes it more appealing by using the color concept in carpet tiles or modular carpets. A truly great building is more than just a performances checklist. It should be looks beautiful and appealing too. A room which can accomplish various functions throughout the day and carpet design and colors can stimulate the senses, and enliven the mind.
Stellar Design’s carpet tiles can create relaxing and pleasant environments that can adapt to different needs and promote collaboration by using various colors and textures. Floor covering determines to a grater extent the way a room is being experienced. Color and texture sets the atmosphere for the entire interior.
Carpet tiles or modular carpets enable design by tile, making it easy to create flexible and versatile spaces that can be customized for various purposes. Many companies use carpet tiles as navigation between different floors or departments. Create zones by simply changing color or texture or different styles and formats.
Looking for a quiet, tranquil, focus feel? Or do you need vibrant colors and different textures in order to bring energy into a space? Stellar Design Carpet Tiles Color Concept offers a great solution. Here is the 5 attractive ‘Mood-books’ in which our products are presented by color :
- Yellow Mood : Optimistic, Stimulated, Cheerful
- Red Mood : Vital, Impulsive, Active
- Green Mood : Calm, Fertile, Refreshing
- Blue Mood : Clear, Relaxing, Comforting
- Grey Mood : Neutral, Discrete, Secure