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Vinyl Flooring Installation

Vinyl Flooring Installation

Vinyl Flooring

Vinyl flooring is a very inexpensive flooring alternative which is becoming increasingly popular. Made from a variety of synthetic materials including fabric, felt, fiberglass, dyes, ethylene and chlorine.vinyl flooring, it is incredibly easy to clean and maintain, and has the great benefit of being waterproof. Vinyl comes in sheet, tile or board form, and is available in a wide variety of colors and patterns. It can even be rendered to resemble hardwood or stone tile. If you’re a handy person it’s not difficult to install vinyl flooring yourself. Here are some of our tips and tricks for vinyl flooring installation in your home.

Space Measurement

Before purchasing either sheet, tile or plank vinyl, take measurements of the room. This will tell you how much you need. When you decide on the type of vinyl you want and pick your color or pattern, be sure to purchase a bit extra. This is to ensure that you can center the pattern or, if you have tile, you have extra to replace a damaged section.

Prepare the Vinyl Flooring

You must allow the flooring to acclimatize before you can start installing vinyl. The floors must be left out, if not in the room itself, at a comparable temperature to the space in which they will be install. Vinyl tile or plank may simply be left out in the house. Vinyl sheet should be unrolling, and then leaving it there. No matter what type of vinyl you are installing, it should be left out according to the manufacturer’s instructions for at least 24 to 48 hours.

Prepare the Floor

Vinyl can be installed on a floor or can be directly applied on ceramic, concrete or vinyl floors. Regardless of what you install vinyl over, you have to keep the floor clean, dry and even. Vinyl is soft and reveals some cracks or grooves on the uneven surface, so imperfections must be filled in. The first step will help vinyl adherence if the underfloor is especially smooth.

Laying the Vinyl Sheet

If you laying the vinyl sheet, you can make a room layout and cut the vinyl to match before laying it. Alternatively, you can continue to lay the floor and make cuts to relief against obstructions. You can either use double-sided tape (for smaller rooms) or spread a notched spreader adhesive, and press the vinyl tightly to the floor.

Vinyl tiles are available in self-adhesive, glue-down, tongue and groove. Trial fit one row the length and width of the room before you permanently lay the tile to the floor to get an idea of what the final floor would look like, and make changes as needed. Then start in the middle of the room and work your way out, until you can’t fit complete tiles anymore. Cut tiles and fit the partial pieces against the wall as needed. Apply pressure to ensure fit on the floor.


When installation of the vinyl flooring is complete, remove the moldings and trim. Wait for the adhesive to set, it takes at least 24 hours. Once done , the furnitures can be carefully moved back into the room. Using protectors underneath heavy furniture like dressers and sofas or on the legs of tables to help protect the surface. Installing vinyl flooring alone is completely feasible. However, if you need assistance from a qualified vinyl flooring installer in Malaysia, call us today

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